Sponsorship Programs
For a personalized, interesting, and organized method of giving, you may want to consider one of our sponsorship programs. These sponsorships allow you to support specific families or designated areas of need. Sponsorships are very valuable to us because they provide a dependable monthly income and foundation of support that enable us to plan ahead.
Below are a number of sponsorship programs one time donations are also welcome. If you wish to contribute please send funds to the address under the ‘contact us’ link above. You can also contribute by subscribing to the monthly sponsorship or a one time donation using the buttons to donate using PayPal, Visa, or Mastercard online below.
Bibles for the World
Billboard Evangelism
Water for the World
Gifts That Grow
Reapers of Hope Food Drying
Rapid Response Services
Medicines for Multitudes
Family Self Support
SALT Microfinance Solutions
International Crisis
Help for the Elderly
Seed Project
World Hunger Fund
Shipping Fund
Hope for the Handicapped
Biblical Discipleship Centres
Milk for Many Mouths
Food Parcels for Syrian Refugees
Clothing Bundle Project
Haiti Sponsor-A-Child School Program
Middle East Ministries
Worldwide Refugee Crisis
Favorite Stories from the Bible
Widows Care Fund
Christian Family Magazines
The Migrant Harvest Worker Program
Egypt Sponsor-A-Child
Child Rescue
Adult Disposable Briefs
Loving the Leper
Project Baby Moses