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Filling a Mother’s Empty Hands
“I have nothing but sorrows, tears, and hunger,” Sidra* lamented. This widow is alone to feed, clothe, and house her seven young children. Her brother Nadeem used to help as he could, but now he too is gone, tragically killed in Yemen’s cruel civil war. “We receive a...

Shining the Gospel into the Darkness
About eight years ago, a SALT Savings Group started in Srerobang, a rural village in Cambodia. Many in this village are gripped by the fear of dark demonic practices, the most revered one being ancestor worship. Every year, when they plow the fields and start planting...

Hearts Cheered and Warmed by Firewood
Larissa, her husband, and their eight children were running out of their most economical source of heat—firewood. Through the Warm-A-Family program, CAM delivered firewood to this Ukrainian family. Our staff members enjoyed watching Larissa’s son, who has Down...

Jesus and Leprosy, Breaking the Barriers
In Bible times, lepers were considered outcasts and untouchables, forced to live outside towns and cities. When a leper approached Jesus, begging for healing, Jesus broke an unthinkable barrier by touching his diseased skin and saying, “Be cleansed” (Mark 1:40-42). In...

Bringing Peace Amid War
Everything was on fire. Feliks* knew he had to leave to get out of there, but where would he go? If he didn’t leave, he, too, would become another victim of the war. Gone—like so many before him. As he left, the air was filled with the horrific noise of gunfire and...