About Christian Aid Ministries Canada
A channel since 1984
Christian Aid Ministries of Waterloo, operating as Christian Aid Ministries Canada was founded in 1984 as a non-profit, tax organization. Its primary purpose is to provide a exempt trustworthy, efficient channel for Amish and Conservative Mennonite churches and individuals to minister to physical and spiritual needs around the world. Other groups and individuals are also welcome to participate.
Organizational Structure
CAM Canada is a charitable organization registered under the laws of Canada and is managed by a team of board of directors.
Support Base
CAM Canada is supported by contributions from concerned individuals and churches (mostly Amish and Conservative Mennonites) throughout Canada.
What we believe
Statement of faith and practice
1. We believe in one God, eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Matt. 28:19, Gal 4:4-6, Eph. 2:6, 13-18. I John 5:1-13
2. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:20-25
3. We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, effects the new birth, gives guidance in life, empowers for service, and enables perseverance in faith and holiness. John 16:7-11, 13
4. We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, revealing God and His will, both in the Old and New Testaments. Luke 1:70; II Tim. 3:16; II Peter 1:20, 21
5. We believe that in the beginning God created all things in 6, 24-hour days and rested in the seventh day. He made man in His own image, with a free will, a moral character, and a spiritual nature. Col. 1:16, 17; I John 1:1-13
6. We believe that man, through unbelief and disobedience fell into sin, bringing depravity and death upon the human race; that man as a sinner is self-centered and self-willed, unable to redeem himself. Rom. 3:10-18, 23, 5:12
7. We believe that there is one mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus, who shed His blood and died on Calvary to redeem us from sin, was resurrected from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is sitting at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. John 3:16; Heb. 9:12-14, 10:12; Col. 1:20-22
8. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ—a free gift bestowed by God on all who believe in Christ, repent of their sins, are born again, and walk in newness of life. Eph. 2:8,9; John 3:3,5; Rom. 6:1-7, 10:9, 10
9. We believe that the church is the body of Christ, and that all those who are born again and walk in obedience to the Word of God constitute the true church of which Christ is the head. Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1:18; I John 1:7; I Tim. 3:15
10. We believe that God provides the church with the necessary leadership, such as bishops, ministers, evangelists, and deacons, to shepherd the flock, teach the Word, administer the ordinances, and lead the church in the exercise of discipline. Eph. 4:11-16
11. We believe that Christ commissioned the church to: evangelize the world, make disciples of all men and teach them to follow Him in a Biblical walk of life, and to minister to the needs of all people. Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:19,20; I John 3:17
12. We believe that those who repent and believe should be baptized with water as a symbol of: new birth, baptism with the Spirit, cleansing from sin, commitment to Christ, and separation from evil. Matt. 28:19; Acts 2:38, 10:44-48; I Pet. 3:21
13. We believe that the church should observe the communion of the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of His broken body and shed blood, in a common union of believers with Christ and one another. I Cor. 10:16-21, 11:23-26
14. We believe that Christ taught both by example and by commandment that feet-washing is a symbol of brotherhood, service, and humility, and should be observed literally. John 13:3-17
15. We believe that the holy kiss should be practiced as a symbol of Christian love among the believers, brother with brother and sister with sister. Rom. 16:16; I Pet. 5:14
16. We believe that God has established unique roles of authority for man and woman. Therefore, a man’s head is to be uncovered in praying and prophesying, and the woman’s head is to be veiled, and her hair uncut, signifying their acceptance of God’s order. I Cor. 11:1-16
17. We believe that the anointing with oil, accompanied by the prayer of faith, is honored by God in the restoration of physical health, in accordance to His will. James 5:14,15
18. We believe that marriage is intended by God to be the union of one man and one woman for life. Therefore, any sexual relationship outside this marriage is adultery. Furthermore, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, and any other sexual involvement is condemned by God. Heb. 13:4; Mark 10:6-9, Romans 1:24-28
19. We believe that the personal appearance and lifestyle of Christian men and women should be modest, free from worldly fashion and adornment, maintaining simplicity in all areas of life, living as strangers and pilgrims in this world, seeking a city not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Rom. 12:1,2; James 4:4; I John 2:15-17
20. We believe that Christians should not take part in any destruction of human life, born or unborn, nor in any acts of retaliation. Instead, they should live a nonresistant lifestyle, demonstrating the love of Christ in their daily walk. Matt. 5:39-46; John 18:36; Rom. 12:19-21
21. We believe that the church and state are ordained of God as separate entities in His divine plan, and that believers should honor rulers and be subject to their authority and pray for them. Rom. 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13-17
22. We believe that the unrepentant, fallen brother or sister shall be excommunicated from the body of Christ in the spirit of love, and shall be received back into fellowship upon repentance and amendment of life. I Cor. 5:1-13; II Cor. 6:14
23. We believe in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the blessed hope of believers, and that upon His return He will resurrect the righteous to eternal bliss in heaven, and the unrighteous to eternal damnation in hell. He will sit on the throne of His glory, judging all nations in the last day. I Thess. 4:16,17; Matt. 25:31-46
Reaching around the world
Each year, supporters of CAM programs provide many pounds of food, clothing, medicines, seeds, Bibles, Bible story books, and other Christian literature. Much of the aid goes to needy children and Christian families. CAM also helps some families make their own living through the Family-Self-Support program.
Other programs include rebuilding for natural disaster victims in the Canada and USA and helping people around the world who suffer from war, famine, and other crises. CAM also supports several church-planting efforts and operates two medical clinics.
CAM’s main purposes for providing aid are:
• To help and encourage God’s people
• To help bring the Gospel to a lost and dying world
CAM locations
The Head office for CAM Canada, Food Drying Facility, and The Projects Centre are located at 1 Parkview Drive, Moorefield Ontario.
The international headquarters of Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) is located in Berlin, Ohio. Food parcels are packed and other relief shipments organized at a 55,000 sq. ft. distribution centre in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Next to this centre is CAM’s meat canning facility. In addition to the clothing centre at the Canadian location, CAM operates four other clothing centres located in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, and Pennsylvania. At these centres, clothing, footwear, and fabric are received, sorted, and prepared for shipment overseas.
A volunteer organization
CAM Canada is a volunteer organization. It depends on the generosity of volunteers who donate thousands of hours of their time each year at the warehouse and on Crisis-Response-Program projects. Aside from management, supervisory personnel, and bookkeeping operations, CAM of Waterloo operates mostly on help from volunteers to sort clothing, insert newsletters for mailings, rebuild in natural disasters, and help with various other projects.
Financial Statement
CAM Canada issues an annual financial statement which is available free, upon request. Fundraising and administrative expenses are kept as low as possible.
Monthly newsletter
Our free monthly newsletter tells about the needs of impoverished and suffering Christians in other parts of the world, and gives opportunities to help through CAM’s programs. To sign up, “Contact Us” or sign up online here.
Ultimate Purpose
Glorify God and help enlarge His kingdom. “…whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” (I Corinthians 10:31)
How Can I Be Involved?
For a personalized, interesting, and organized method of giving, you may want to consider one of our sponsorship programs or the current needs. The sponsorships allow you to support specific families or designated areas of need. Sponsorships are very valuable to us because they provide a dependable monthly income and foundation of support that enable us to plan ahead.
Speakers Available
Representatives are available to speak, and show slides at churches, schools, or other public meetings about the conditions and opportunities to help in countries where CAM operates. To arrange a meeting, please write or call: Christian Aid Ministries Canada, 1 Parkview Dr. Box 46 Moorefield, Ontario N0G 2K0 Phone 519-638-0829