Your donations enable us
to help needy people around the world.

We live in a world of suffering. Millions are unable to provide for even their basic needs. Your contributions make a difference for abandoned orphans, needy widows, refugees, and many others who are in need of physical and spiritual help. Explore over 20 programs to find the ones that connect with you.

You can choose from the featured programs below or scroll down to see our entire list of programs. Your contributions are very much appreciated! God bless you.

Urgent needs



At the heart of CAM programs is the goal to get the Gospel message into as many hands as possible.
Yemen Silently Starves

Ukraine Crisis

CAM provides much-needed medicines for Ukranians

Bibles for the World

At the heart of CAM programs is the goal to get the Gospel message into as many hands as possible.

"Water, Water, they plead"

The desperation in their eyes is almost palpable.

Where Needed Most



The Where-Needed-Most (WNM) program is our general support category. Funds are used in CAM aid programs and for general administration and fundraising expenses. This is a great category for those who wish to give, but are not sure which programs to support.

Donate to Where-Needed-Most

Monthly Sponsorship

Yes, I intend to give monthly donations to be used where funds are needed most. I understand my contribution will be used for administration, shipping, or any one of the programs CAM Canada supports.

Monthly Sponsorships

Monthly Sponsorships

Monthly Sponsorships

By giving a set donation amount monthly or yearly, sponsors help CAM regularly ship and distribute Bibles, food, clothing, medicine, Christian literature, and other needed items to poor countries around the world.