Rapid Response Services

When a tornado, flood, or wildfire strikes an area in Canada, a CAM Rapid Response Services (RRS) team is on standby to investigate damages within 24 hours. If cleanup is needed they coordinate volunteers to help within 48 hours. Cleanup projects include cutting up trees, cleaning up debris, tearing out soggy insulation, and putting tarps on damaged roofs.

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Yes, I intend to give monthly donations for the Rapid Response Program. I understand my gift will enable volunteers to clean up and bring hope to the devastated.


CAM Canada’s Rapid Response Services (RRS) teams are designed to move into a community within twenty-four hours after a disaster strikes. They investigate damages and then bring cleanup volunteers into the area within forty-eight hours or less. Volunteers help cut up trees, install tarps on damaged roofs, clean up after floods and do other cleanup projects. The purpose of Rapid Response Services is to be a Christian testimony in Canada and demonstrate a faith that works: “….faith without works is dead…” (James 2:20).

FAQ about CAM Rapid Response Services…

Who is CAM?

Christian Aid Ministries Canada’s main office is located in Moorefield, Ontario Canada (the International Headquarters being in Berlin Ohio) a Christian aid organization that ministries to physical and spiritual needs around the world.

What types of work do your Rapid Response Teams focus on?

We prioritize post-trauma assistance and short-term relief for those affected by disasters. Most of our volunteers are equipped for immediate disaster response, and have varying levels of first aid and health and safety training. When our initial response is complete, CAM evaluates whether to establish a longer term recovery assistance plan.

What religious groups do you represent?

Most of our supporters and volunteers are from Anabaptist (Mennonite and Amish) groups. Our choice of love over violence and our commitment to Christian discipleship, lived out in community, are often cited as Anabaptist distinctives. But really we’re only people who want to be like Jesus in showing love and compassion to the suffering.

How can I learn more about CAM?

You can call 519-638-0829, or browse this website.

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