Where Jesus Walked

Where Jesus Walked

Jesus served others when He walked on this earth. He did good to all, whether a leper, a lame man, or a hungry crowd. Our staff and contacts in the Middle East seek to follow Jesus’ example by feeding the hungry, encouraging the downtrodden, and sharing Words of Life...
The gift of sheep keeps on giving

The gift of sheep keeps on giving

Amir* was injured in 2017 and could no longer provide for his family. Our contacts gave this Palestinian family four sheep to help create an income. They now are able to sell cheese, yogurt, and wool products such as blankets, toys, and pillows. Four years later, our...
In His footsteps

In His footsteps

Jesus walked on this earth with a heart to serve others. He showed compassion to all men, whether a seeking Pharisee, small children, or a blind beggar. Two thousand years later, Middle East Ministries shows the love of God in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Gaza, and...
Showing mercy to the forgotten

Showing mercy to the forgotten

Handicapped. Disabled. For thousands around the world, these diagnoses bring humiliation, rejection, and poverty. Many people who suffer from blindness, cerebral palsy, or other disabilities are abandoned by family and shunned by society. They are often left to fend...
No longer confined inside

No longer confined inside

Seven-year-old Kalila* was born with a mental and physical handicap. Since she couldn’t get around on her own, Kalila spent her days lying on the cold floor inside their house in the Middle East. Thanks to generous supporters, Kalila now has her own wheelchair....