Will They Have Food Tomorrow?

Will They Have Food Tomorrow?

We might wonder how we will squeeze another 20 pounds of fresh hamburger into a full freezer while elderly people in Kenya, Africa, wonder if they will have food for tomorrow. James Odongo is a 65-year-old who lives in a small one-room apartment in Nakuru, Kenya. This...
Conflict, drought, and inflation creates severe hunger

Conflict, drought, and inflation creates severe hunger

Severe hunger is a reality across the world. This reality can be seen in numbers: More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every night according to the World Food Programme (WFP). Parents can feel hunger’s effects when they skip a meal at times so their children...
The Plight of a Kenyan widow

The Plight of a Kenyan widow

“To be a Kenyan widow often means to be alone and without a voice,” says a CAM staff member. In Kenya, wives are frequently seen as no more than possessions, and many widows face rejection and hatred from family when their husbands die. They may be blamed for their...
Light for the Rendille tribe

Light for the Rendille tribe

In a land of desert and camels in northern Kenya lives the Rendille tribe. These people have difficult lives, and every day is a quest for adequate food and water. Recently they experienced two years without rain. These nomadic people travel with their herds of cattle...
Introducing a God who cares

Introducing a God who cares

This young man received a CAM Bible story book when our staff visited his village in Kenya. He is part of the tribal group. Most of the people in this tribal group believe in a god they regard as omnipotent yet distant and uninvolved in the lives of people. These...