In a land of desert and camels in northern Kenya lives the Rendille tribe. These people have difficult lives, and every day is a quest for adequate food and water. Recently they experienced two years without rain. These nomadic people travel with their herds of cattle and camels to find pastureland and water sources. Intertribal conflicts over their herds are still rampant.
The Rendille consider themselves descendants of the Israelites, with ceremonial practices similar to Old Testament Jewish practices. They hold tribal feasts that resemble the Passover with killing goats and sprinkling the blood on their houses.
This group is considered a minimally reached people group. Before a Kenyan pastor moved into the area six years ago, there was no church. Illiteracy was high, since the first school started only ten years ago. However, God’s kingdom is growing among the Rendille. A church is now established, and a group of committed people meets weekly for Bible study.
CAM staff in Kenya visited the Rendille in November 2020 and found that smiles transcend language barriers. They distributed English and Swahili Bibles, along with Bible story books. In the church’s Bible study group, only two people previously had Bibles.
Among the Rendille, we see the tragedy of dark customs untouched by light. But the glimmer of light from God’s Word is having an impact! Pray that God would continue to draw the Rendille to Himself.
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