The fear of death

The fear of death

Our message After you die, you will meet God has been our second highest call-generating billboard. It raises a fearful question in the hearts of America’s motorists—will I actually meet God? People are afraid of death. This fear of death is a result of sin and a...
Influence of the printed page

Influence of the printed page

A couple years ago, Galen called in distress. He and his wife were separated. Galen welcomed a package of literature from our team member that included a brochure about rebuilding a marriage. He called recently saying that he had put to practice the teachings in the...
Canada Campaign 2020

Canada Campaign 2020

Each spring, new contracts are signed with billboard companies for a 12-month term. New billboard messages will be installed in the early spring just in time for our anticipated summer surge of phone calls We are excited about what God plans to do with this ministry...
Suicide — a mistaken solution

Suicide — a mistaken solution

For many North Americans, discouragement means hopelessness. And hopelessness means there is no one to turn to. So where do they go? Many turn to drugs and alcohol or to temporary fixes that only take the edge off their pain and discouragement. But some turn to...
Billboard Evangelism, Canada

Billboard Evangelism, Canada

Reason would suggest that when a person is thoroughly convinced of his belief system or worldview, then there is no need to worry about the consequences if they are wrong. And yet, each day, many people call with ambitions to debate and defend their position with our...