For many North Americans, discouragement means hopelessness. And hopelessness means there is no one to turn to. So where do they go?
Many turn to drugs and alcohol or to temporary fixes that only take the edge off their pain and discouragement. But some turn to something they believe will be a permanent fix—suicide.
Daisy was a young mother who became very discouraged after losing her husband and 4-year-old son. Having terrible nightmares and not being able to pay the bills, she was ready to give up.
One night in total despair, Daisy turned to a bridge. Wanting to solve her problems once and for all, she dropped off her two little boys at her aunt’s place, parked her car a mile from this dam, and walked to the edge of the bridge.
Would jumping off this 260-foot high bridge really take care of the pain and suffering she was experiencing? Was suicide the answer to her problems? Daisy knew of no other answer. But as she sat there preparing to jump off, she thought of one of our phone team members she had recently talked to. So she dialed our toll-free number again and, weeping, poured out her problems to our team member. He strongly admonished her not to jump off the bridge. He tried to help Daisy see that suicide will not make her pain and suffering go away and that Jesus really cares about her.
After he had tried for nearly 20 minutes to persuade Daisy to reconsider, she said, “I have been beaten down so far, and I appreciate you and the other preacher’s help. And may God forgive me.” Then the phone went dead.
The police were immediately alerted. They searched the area all night and couldn’t find her.
The next morning, our team member answered a ringing phone and was relieved to hear Daisy’s voice on the other end. She explained that as she sat there on the bridge contemplating the jump, she began to pray. Soon she felt a peace come over her. She walked back to her car, picked up her boys, and went home to bed. Lying there in bed with her 5-year-old to her chest, she thought about how much her children needed her.
Daisy is alive. Daisy’s little boys have a mommy. Salvation is still available to Daisy. A couple from a nearby Anabaptist church has been in contact with Daisy. Join us in prayer for the salvation of her soul.
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