May 23, 2019 | Seed Project
Hello, my name is Lena and I live in Ukraine. My mom and dad work hard to buy food and clothes for our family of six. Even though they work hard, we don’t have much money and it takes a long time to save. CAM gave my family a gift that helps us save some money! They...
Mar 14, 2019 | Seed Project
Months before the snow melts, families in Eastern Europe prepare for spring. Vegetable seeds are planted in makeshift greenhouses all over remote villages. The precious little plants that spring up heavily determine whether the family will have enough to eat the...
Apr 17, 2018 | Seed Project
Misha Nazaruk, a pastor from Ukraine, says the seeds he receives from CAM each year have been a great blessing to his family and others. “These seeds help our family (of eight) and our church members a lot. We are also able to bless unbelievers with these seeds.” Good...