Months before the snow melts, families in Eastern Europe prepare for spring. Vegetable seeds are planted in makeshift greenhouses all over remote villages. The precious little plants that spring up heavily determine whether the family will have enough to eat the following winter.
With so much significance placed on a little seed, buying quality seeds would be ideal for impoverished families. Some quality seeds are available, but many families cannot afford them. Left with no choice but to buy cheaper seeds, many villagers are discouraged after their entire summer’s labor does not yield enough vegetables to feed their families.
CAM’s Seed Project is one way to help bear their burden. Each year, this project provides tons of high-quality garden seeds in various countries. Anatoli and his wife in Ukraine are one of many families who are encouraged through the Seed Project. “CAM has helped us so much,” they say. “We can never repay you.”
Young and old alike see the gift of seeds as God’s goodness. The seeds provide work for growing children. Elderly villagers can sell extra produce for a small income. Even widows express gratitude for seeds that provide food for the hard winter months. Thank you, supporters, for sharing God’s goodness through the wonderful gift of seeds.
To help support the Seed Project program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.