Potatoes Bring Hope Amid Hardships

Potatoes Bring Hope Amid Hardships

Hardships aren’t uncommon for Galina, a recently widowed mother in Belarus. Her husband drank alcohol all his life before becoming ill with cancer. Two months before he died, he repented and asked God to save him. After his death, Galina was alone, with no one to...
Potatoes from God’s People

Potatoes from God’s People

Potatoes rank as one of the world’s most important crops. Rich in nutrients, they are a part of daily life for many people in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Families often depend heavily on their supply of potatoes during the long, winter months. When that supply...
Potatoes for the Poor

Potatoes for the Poor

The gift of potatoes inspires words of gratitude and praise to God from recipients in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and other countries. “Today the brothers brought us potatoes that will last us all winter, thank God!” exclaimed a family from Kazakhstan. “There are...