The gift of potatoes inspires words of gratitude and praise to God from recipients in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and other countries.

“Today the brothers brought us potatoes that will last us all winter, thank God!” exclaimed a family from Kazakhstan. “There are no words to fully express all the joy for the Lord’s love for us. Blessed be His name and may His praise never cease!”

A woman in Uzbekistan said, “Your sacrifice turned out to be a great help for us, and for unbelieving relatives, it was a bright testimony of God’s love and care. We stocked up on potatoes for the whole winter.”

Tatyana, a Gypsy widow in Belarus, said, “I was crying out to God about my need to buy potatoes for the winter. The Lord answered this day! Isn’t this a miracle?”

Providing potatoes

We pass these thanks on to you, our supporters who make this project possible. In the past few years, your funds have enabled us to provide millions of pounds of potatoes for elderly people, struggling families, widows, and others.

Gifting potatoes brings unique opportunities to minister to people in countries once part of the Soviet Union. Across Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia, people have faced decades of weak economies and limited prospects. The war in Ukraine has caused further economic strain. With winter coming, families are confronted with the need to heat their homes on top of other everyday expenses they struggle to cover.

Since potatoes are essential to daily diets in these regions, people are deeply grateful for the gift of potatoes, especially in preparing for the long winter. “For our family, it is like bread for the winter,” said the Ershov family in Kazakhstan. “All the children are very happy and glad that this winter they will eat potatoes . . .”

Your support of this project provides more than physical nourishment to people in need. After receiving funds to purchase potatoes, a church leader in Turkmenistan wrote, “It is dear to see we are not forgotten, that we are in the same family.” In the country of Georgia, two pastors said their members used potato distributions as evangelism opportunities, going from house to house, delivering potatoes and preaching the good news of Jesus.

Thank you for your help to provide potatoes, which in turn encourages our Christian brothers and sisters and exposes others to the Gospel.

A look at the Potatoes for the Poor program

Why potatoes?
Potatoes, a rich source of nutrients, are an important part of people’s diets in many parts of the world.

Where are potatoes provided?
Eleven countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region, and Central Asia.

Who distributes potatoes?
CAM staff members, trusted contacts, and national church leaders.

When are potatoes distributed?
Normally in late summer or autumn, to give recipients a supply of potatoes before the winter.

How much do potatoes cost?
The average cost for 100 pounds of potatoes is $30.

What is the program budget?
The 2023 potatoes budget is $740,000

To help support the Potatoes for the Poor program, please click the button below to give a gift.

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