Potatoes rank as one of the world’s most important crops. Rich in nutrients, they are a part of daily life for many people in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Families often depend heavily on their supply of potatoes during the long, winter months. When that supply fails, impoverished people find relief when our staff and contacts provide potatoes for the winter through the Potatoes for the Poor program.
A widow from the country of Georgia (pictured above) said, “My children lacked food, and we could hardly make ends meet. . . . God’s people brought us potatoes. . . . My children were very happy, as this is their favorite dish.”
CAM is providing potatoes to impoverished families and individuals in Central Asia and Eastern Europe where economies are declining, job opportunities are limited, and inflation and food prices are rising.
To help support the Potatoes for the Poor program, please click the button below to give a gift.