Where Winter is Unforgiving

Where Winter is Unforgiving

“The winters here are unforgiving, especially for someone like me,” says Lina,* an elderly woman in Syria. “I’ve lived through so much, but this year has brought a new level of hardship. When [Christian workers] handed me the blanket, it was like receiving a piece of...
Suffering in Syria

Suffering in Syria

The Syrian neighborhood feels abandoned as we walk its vacant streets. Apartment buildings once filled with life and sound now stand empty and silent. Blasted windows and blackened walls riddled with bullet holes reflect years of war. Occasionally, a sign of life is...
Gifts of nourishment and hope

Gifts of nourishment and hope

Sadira’s* husband and two children perished in an attack in their Syrian hometown. Fearing for their lives, Sadira and her only remaining child fled to a camp where she met CAM contacts who provided food for her.   “Why would God take my husband and children?” was one...
Syria’s plight of hunger

Syria’s plight of hunger

Ridwan’s* family lives in Syria where hunger is a problem—a lingering plight for thousands of displaced people. The war in Syria has mostly calmed, but many issues remain unsolved. Ridwan and his wife have four children ranging from Kashif who is in seventh grade, to...
“I miss my husband,”

“I miss my husband,”

Stephanie* came to Lebanon after her husband was kidnapped in Syria. She doesn’t know what happened to him. “I miss my husband,” Stephanie shared. “Every day I search for news about him.” Stephanie now lives in a small tent with her two daughters. The monthly food...