Food parcels for street peddlers

Food parcels for street peddlers

Seventy-six-year-old Margarito and his wife Carlota cannot afford to own land, but live with several of their children on the edge of a city street in Nicaragua. They cook and sell corn, tortillas, and other food. They also peddle vegetables to make a living....
God’s goodness in food parcels

God’s goodness in food parcels

Families in Nicaragua share with our staff of their ongoing struggle to find steady work to generate an income. Through CAM’s Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family program, 750 families receive a monthly food parcel that reminds of God’s goodness and allows them to use their small...
“Why should I be discouraged?”

“Why should I be discouraged?”

Martha Espinoza fell off a moving train when she was seven years old. As this Nicaraguan girl lay helplessly on the tracks, the train ran over her, dismembering all four of her limbs. After our staff delivered a new wheelchair to forty-two-year-old Martha, she shared,...
A visit to the Balm of Gilead clinic

A visit to the Balm of Gilead clinic

Tucked among the remote hills of Nicaragua, CAM’s Balm of Gilead clinic receives at least sixty patients each day of operation. Two American nurses diligently work to meet the needs of the many patients who are at the gate by 7:00 a.m. Nicaraguans are often willing to...