Mar 19, 2021 | Medicines-for-Multitudes
Compassionate care for the sick and malnourished In a remote part of Liberia, several hours from paved roads, is the village of Garplay. Recently a CAM staff member visited the clinic in Garplay, noting the nearly empty medicine shelves. The clinic staff explained...
Nov 3, 2020 | International-Feed-A-Family
Yatta, a sixty-six-year-old grandmother, lives in a remote area of Liberia. She cares for her abandoned grandchildren, since their mother rejected them and moved to another area. Yatta’s remaining children also left her to find jobs elsewhere. Providing for a family...
Jul 30, 2020 | Support-A-Widow
Banjey from Liberia spent the last eighteen years of widowhood without family. Her children left the area during Liberia’s civil war and never returned. This seventy-year-old widow survives by the mercy of her neighbors. The generosity of CAM supporters also shows...
Apr 6, 2020 | Bibles-for-the-World
Parts of Liberia, Africa, are dark with devil worship and similar activities. But God’s light is shining in through His Word and driving away the darkness. These young men in Liberia received Bibles because you provided funds. The Bibles-for-the-World program sends...
Feb 4, 2020 | Gifts-That-Grow
Isaac in Liberia is unable to walk. He assumes he has multiple sclerosis, but he has no way of testing to be sure. Isaac was never treated for his disease and ended up with paralysis. In the midst of his difficulties, Isaac turned to drugs. But praise God, he is now...