Mar 4, 2024 | Haiti School Program
Havoc reigns in Haiti as gangs continue kidnapping, killing, and looting. The country’s dysfunctional government is powerless to end the terror. Haiti’s battered economy leaves many innocent people struggling for basic necessities. Amid this violence and poverty, we...
Oct 14, 2021 | Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child School Program
Elmeus loves school and is part of the preschool class. Today she and her classmates are learning to write their names. In the kitchen, cooks are heating water to make rice and beans for lunchtime. The Haiti School Program helps Haitian children like Elmeus attend...
Sep 21, 2018 | Haiti-Sponsor-A-Child School Program
“I like going to school,” says Esther, who is enrolled at a CAM supported school in Haiti. “I especially like writing and I learn a lot at school.” Nothing stops Esther from going to school, not even the fact that she has a 45-minute walk and hobbles on a dislocated...