Dec 2, 2022 | Warm-A-Family
As autumn ends and the air turns brisk, many people in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries shiver with dread as they think of staying warm in the harsh winter season ahead. They might gather twigs and leaves to burn to try to stay warm, but firewood? It is...
Sep 16, 2022 | Warm-A-Family
Winter is coming. Imagine living in a poverty-stricken village where temperatures often drop below freezing at night. Biting winds sneak through cracks in the doorways and windowpanes. The cold leaves you shivering, even with a small stove and layers of clothing and...
Dec 19, 2019 | Adopt-A-Family
Many breadwinners in Eastern Europe experience a new set of problems as winter arrives. Seasonal jobs like hoeing corn and cutting hay are no longer available. The cold months look daunting to parents who barely have enough funds for food and clothing, let alone heat...
Nov 14, 2019 | Clothing Bundle Project
What will my children wear? How will we stay warm? As winter looms ahead, these troubling thoughts weigh on the minds of people who struggle to provide for their basic needs. In remote areas of Eastern Europe where CAM works, the average income for families is only $2...
Mar 14, 2019 | Seed Project
Months before the snow melts, families in Eastern Europe prepare for spring. Vegetable seeds are planted in makeshift greenhouses all over remote villages. The precious little plants that spring up heavily determine whether the family will have enough to eat the...