Help and Hope for War-Torn Yemen

Help and Hope for War-Torn Yemen

A sudden stroke brought a quick end to 60-year-old Sharad’s construction career, leaving him bedridden and without and income to support his family. After that, the family gained their income from a grain mill managed by his wife. However, when the grain mill...
Tears of Pain and Gratitude

Tears of Pain and Gratitude

“We fled death only to find refuge in this place,” Majed* said bitterly. War forced this Yemeni father and his family from home, and now they live in a building with walls battered by bombs and a roof made of makeshift cloth. Tears came to his eyes as he told of the...
Hunger and Weariness in War-ravaged Yemen

Hunger and Weariness in War-ravaged Yemen

Grief washed over Afra* from Yemen as she prepared a meal for her four children. She knew the cooked leaves and roots would hardly quiet their hunger, but what choice did she have? She was a widow, her husband killed in 2021 by a stray artillery shell. Afra had sold...