Coronavirus crisis deepens poverty in India

Coronavirus crisis deepens poverty in India

India has known poverty for decades. Over the years, a large percentage of the population lacked proper shelter and water. Their income of $1–$2 per day was used to buy food or other essentials to survive. Then suddenly the coronavirus pandemic reached the country,...
Coronavirus pandemic in Bible Lands

Coronavirus pandemic in Bible Lands

How is the pandemic affecting people in Israel and the Palestinian territories? The coronavirus pandemic brought much of the world to a near standstill, including the land of the Bible. Bethlehem, which depends heavily on tourism, has come to a sudden halt. This...
Coronavirus Crisis Care

Coronavirus Crisis Care

Coronavirus CRISIS CARE Physical and spiritual help in this time of special need We live in unusual times, with much of the world in fear and turmoil. As of this writing, the new coronavirus (COVID-19) that originated in Wuhan, China, is spreading quickly. The virus...