May 26, 2020 | Crisis Response
Struggling refugees across the Middle East face even more desperate situations since the coronavirus pandemic. Fragile economies in these war-torn countries were already taxed before COVID-19. More than five million Syrian refugees who fled their country nine years...
May 21, 2020 | Crisis Response
India has known poverty for decades. Over the years, a large percentage of the population lacked proper shelter and water. Their income of $1–$2 per day was used to buy food or other essentials to survive. Then suddenly the coronavirus pandemic reached the country,...
May 12, 2020 | Crisis Response
Elderly Romanians spend long days alone since the coronavirus pandemic. Many of them are cooped up at home. Last month, they were restricted to their homes except for two hours in the middle of the day. Now the restriction has lifted some, but elderly people may still...