Shining the Gospel into the Darkness

Shining the Gospel into the Darkness

About eight years ago, a SALT Savings Group started in Srerobang, a rural village in Cambodia. Many in this village are gripped by the fear of dark demonic practices, the most revered one being ancestor worship. Every year, when they plow the fields and start planting...
Business Expands Through SALT Savings Group

Business Expands Through SALT Savings Group

Jesse from Nigeria stood at her small market stand, thinking about her future. Would she be able to sell enough grain to help provide for their family? Their house needed improvements to accommodate their growing family of eight children. But where would the funds...
Sowing Truth at Sewing Classes

Sowing Truth at Sewing Classes

Karina* is busy sewing on her home’s front porch. She doesn’t seem to mind the hot Niger sun beating down on the metal roof overhead. She hurries to finish sewing a little girl’s dress for a customer who wants it done before the holiday tomorrow. When Karina joined a...