A hollow, aching stomach is a stark reality for millions of people in impoverished countries. Sabina* in South Sudan shares her story of hunger and hope.

“Life has not been easy for me and my three children since my husband died. He was the one who provided for us. Survival has become so difficult since his passing. Even house rent is now so hard to bear. A few days ago, I had barely enough to feed my children. What little bread I had, I gave to the children to eat. I just drank water and waited.” God provided for this widow and her children through the hands and feet of CAM contacts who visited with a gift of food. Sabina said, “I am so blessed because God has heard my cry and sent [CAM contacts] to my rescue.”

If you would like to provide food for hungry people like Sabina in various countries, click the donate button to give a gift.

Monthly Sponsorship

Yes, I intend to give monthly donations to help provide food and food-producing recources for desperately poor families and others without sufficient food.