Quality Seeds for Ukraine

Quality Seeds for Ukraine

Misha Nazaruk, a pastor from Ukraine, says the seeds he receives from CAM each year have been a great blessing to his family and others. “These seeds help our family (of eight) and our church members a lot. We are also able to bless unbelievers with these seeds.” Good...
Seeds for Eastern Europe

Seeds for Eastern Europe

It’s that time of year again when our staff and volunteers in Eastern Europe prepare thousands of seed parcels to give out in needy villages in Romania and Ukraine. Most of the villagers live off the land and can afford only cheap seeds that produce poorly. They are...
2017 Seed Project

2017 Seed Project

Quality seeds help families put food on the table From all over Ukraine, churches are calling CAM, asking for garden seeds to pass on to their members. “We have requests from 2,000 churches,” reports Dave Ropp, our distribution director in Ukraine. Dave will sift...