Creating smiles through clothing

Creating smiles through clothing

Florin, a Romanian father and pastor, teaches at a school for missionaries. With his small salary and a tenth child on the way, Florin cannot afford to cover all the clothing needs of his growing family. His home consists of two rented rooms in a church building....
Multiplying your gifts

Multiplying your gifts

Villagers in southwestern Romania were eager to receive your gifts of medicines and lice treatment kits. These items, provided through the Gifts-That-Grow program, cost more than many parents can afford. One doctor who helped distribute the items wrote, “This gift was...
The elderly: Forget us not

The elderly: Forget us not

Alone. Forgotten by family. Struggling to make ends meet. These words describe many aged Romanians. Loneliness weighs heavily on such folks. In numerous cases, their children move to cities or other countries to find better jobs. Living alone in poor conditions makes...
Liquid treasure

Liquid treasure

A smile comes to elderly Elena’s face. She has just received the gift of fresh milk, which will provide a valuable nutritional supplement to her diet. Like Elena, more than 1,250 recipients across Romania receive milk each week through the Milk-for-Many-Mouths...