A smile comes to elderly Elena’s face. She has just received the gift of fresh milk, which will provide a valuable nutritional supplement to her diet.
Like Elena, more than 1,250 recipients across Romania receive milk each week through the Milk-for-Many-Mouths program. Nutrients in milk are essential for the growth of children and the health of adults. But many struggling families, elderly folks, and other needy Romanians simply cannot afford to buy milk or own a cow.
A group of Romanian believers uses the Milk-for-Many-Mouths program as an avenue of outreach. Through regular deliveries of this nutritious drink, they are building relationships, encouraging believers, and sharing God’s love with unbelievers.
Thank you, supporters, for sharing the liquid treasure of milk in Romania!
To help support the Milk-for-Many-Mouths program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.