Rice for war-weary people in Myanmar

Rice for war-weary people in Myanmar

Violence across Myanmar has displaced thousands of people and trapped civilians between warring parties. Many are sheltering in forests and other hiding places. With little to nothing other than the clothing on their backs, these people are destitute.   CAM has been...
Tragedy & hunger in Myanmar

Tragedy & hunger in Myanmar

Stories of fear and loss abound in Myanmar. Millions of people could tell of fleeing in terror when armed groups stormed their towns and villages, setting their houses, farms, and businesses ablaze. They could recount their sorrow from losing loved ones to tragic...
Reaching the Mro people of Myanmar

Reaching the Mro people of Myanmar

SALT is starting savings groups in an unusual setting—a village of refugees who recently fled their homes due to violence in western Myanmar. These refugees are part of the Mro people ethnic group. These people, primarily village farmers, are stranded. They have not...