Jul 25, 2024 | Hope-for-the-Handicapped
Daniil has severe cerebral palsy that makes him unable to walk or talk. Despite his limitations, he meets our contacts in Belarus with a beautiful smile when they visit his family. Daniil’s mother, who is blind, provides total care for Daniil while raising two other...
Apr 3, 2024 | Hope-for-the-Handicapped
Age makes it hard for Sakami,* an elderly woman in Malawi, to get around on her own. Her family mostly ignores her needs. At night they lock her in a structure built for goats to keep her from wandering away. When a contact gave Sakami some bread, she was so hungry...
Jul 20, 2023 | Hope-for-the-Handicapped
Twenty-three-year-old Aleena* in the Middle East suffered a stroke-like episode several months ago, leaving her unable to walk or speak well. Her husband, seeing she could no longer take care of their two young sons, left her and married another woman. Abandoned and...
May 3, 2023 | Hope-for-the-Handicapped
Youngor Zayzay’s life in Africa has been anything but easy. Youngor Zayzay’s mother died soon after she was born in Liberia, West Africa. She was raised by her grandmother. Youngor met her father for the first time when he came to grieve her grandmother’s death....
Dec 29, 2022 | Hope-for-the-Handicapped
It is December, so the center of Bethlehem—Manger Square—is echoing with Christmas carols and crowded with tourists and local families. It is a time of celebration, even if the winter rains have started. Bethlehem, the City of David, is filled with Bible history....