A harsh new normal in Turkey and Syria

A harsh new normal in Turkey and Syria

People across Turkey and Syria are forced to face a new normal following the deadly earthquakes that struck the region on February 6. This new normal includes city streets lined with destroyed buildings, the grief of loved ones who died or are still missing under the...
A week after Turkey and Syria’s earthquakes

A week after Turkey and Syria’s earthquakes

Yesterday marked one week since deadly earthquakes hit southern Turkey and northwestern Syria. It has been a week of heartache, death, and ruin. The weeks ahead look long and uncertain.  Heartache and ruin This tragedy is the region’s deadliest disaster in a century....
February 11 UPDATE Turkey and Syria earthquakes

February 11 UPDATE Turkey and Syria earthquakes

Following the deadly earthquakes on Monday, cities across Turkey and Syria are scenes of ruin. Where multi-story apartment buildings once stood lie heaps of broken concrete and twisted rebar. Rescuers spend frantic hours searching the wreckage for signs of life....
February 9 UPDATE Turkey and Syria earthquakes

February 9 UPDATE Turkey and Syria earthquakes

People in Turkey and Syria are experiencing their fourth night since the deadly earthquakes of Monday. Desperate family members wait, clinging to the hope that their relatives will be rescued alive from beneath the tons of rubble. But this hope is dwindling fast. As...