Francis and Grace are members of a SALT savings group in Ghana. To provide for their children, they grow cocoa, palm nuts, plantains, and tomatoes. They grow a wide variety of crops to make good use of every season and kind of weather. “When the palm nuts are out of season, the cocoa yields, so we are always busy on the farm,” Grace explains.
For thirteen years, Francis and Grace lived together but were not married. Three children were born during this time. “We had planned many times to get married properly, but because we started having children . . . it has been a challenge to raise money for that since family expenses drain our pockets all the time,” Grace said.
At SALT savings group meetings, the Bible-based teaching convicted Francis and Grace. “The weekly Bible teachings we listen to at the savings meetings have benefited me a lot and we have experienced blessings in following the counsels of the Bible,” shares Grace. The couple determined to use the money they saved in their savings group for a marriage ceremony. Grace testifies, “I must say that it is because of what we have learned from the Bible that has pushed us to do what is honourable in the eyes of the Lord.”
We praise the Lord that Francis and Grace were united in marriage on December 14, 2019. “I have to live an exemplary life for the rest of the members to follow,” Francis says. “I can say there are others who plan to follow suit. Those who are married have made changes in the way they live, and those who are in relationships . . . are making arrangements to do what pleases God.”
Thank you, supporters, for your help in presenting practical, Biblical teaching to people like Francis and Grace all around the world!
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