

The new stove Iosif and his wife in Romania received through the CAM Warm-A-Family program will be a great blessing this winter. It uses less firewood than their old stove, but still gives more heat. Iosif’s wife also uses the stove to cook for her husband and...
Firewood Eases the Dread of Winter

Firewood Eases the Dread of Winter

As winter approaches once again, we in North America are thankful for warm, cozy houses. But many families in Eastern Europe face winter with dread and uncertainty. How will they have enough money to buy firewood to heat their houses when incomes are low or...
“God sent you here!”

“God sent you here!”

Nestled on the edge of a Romanian village, Veronica’s house is old and its weary roof leaks. Keeping her house warm is a struggle for this widow. Poverty is all that Veronica has ever known. Recently her poverty increased when her health began to fail and she spent...