It was rainy season in India as CAM staff and contacts sloshed through the mud to reach Indira,* standing on the doorstep of her newly built house. She was excited to move to this small, sturdy house from her tarp shelter on someone else’s property. Her new home was made possible by supporters’ donations to the Widows Care Fund.

Indira wept as she told her visitors about her husband, who was killed 20 years ago by a Bengal tiger. In this part of India, tigers, snakes, and crocodiles have killed numerous men, leaving women like Indira to endure the hardships of widowhood.

About 15 years ago, Indira found Jesus. Because of her faith in Christ, her sons refuse to care for her. But
Indira remains faithful despite loneliness and rejection and gathers with other widows to rejoice in the Lord.

To help support the Widows Care Fund program, please click the button below to give a gift.

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Monthly Sponsorship

Yes, I intend to give monthly donations to provide food, shelter, self-help resources and other aid to needy widows.