A crowd of women and children gathers in this African village, lining up their colorful buckets. One woman at the head of the line turns the handle of a hand pump. With each turn the precious gift of clean water streams out, a gift the people of this community in Zimbabwe have lived without for much of their lives.
To many of us, clean water only requires filling a glass at the kitchen sink. We might struggle to grasp the fact that each day finds women and children around the world spending more than 150 million hours collecting water. Many times animals share their water sources, which are often contaminated rivers or dirty water holes.
Because we struggle to understand the lack of water, we also might not recognize how precious pure, safe water is in much of the world. A reliable water source can make a dramatic difference in communities where spending hours walking many miles to collect polluted water is a part of life. Your funds for the Water-for-the-World program are helping make clean water a reality in parts of the world like Liberia, Kenya, Haiti, Ethiopia, Cambodia, Gaza, and India.
In Malawi and Zimbabwe, we are working with contacts to install high-quality water pumps. These pumps are impacting communities in various ways. A staff member who traveled to Zimbabwe said, “We heard testimonies from ladies who said they can sleep peacefully at night now because they don’t need to get up at 2:00 a.m. to go get water.”
In the Mkanda community of Malawi, villagers used to collect water from a small, muddy pit. One day a young child fell into the pit and drowned. Now a water pump allows the villagers to safely collect pure water.
Water pumps impact communities in eternal ways as well. When our contacts install the pumps, they also preach the Gospel and distribute Bibles. Many of these remote villages are steeped in demonic worship but are often open to hearing truth. Pray that clean water would be a lifeline, not only to improved living conditions but also to the life-changing Gospel.
To help support the Water-for-the-World program, please click below.