Aug 21, 2018 | Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family
Paula’s husband left her, leaving the family with the struggle of putting food on the table. A bad case of arthritis hinders Paula’s work, but her handicapped daughter Rosa helps her. Though she is on crutches, Rosa washes clothes for people, which brings in about $4...
Mar 16, 2018 | Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family
Caught in the crossfire of Nicaragua’s civil war in the 1980s, Guillermo (above) got shot and lost his left leg. He could have become bitter about his handicap, but he chose not to. He now reaches out to others and pastors a church. Recently Guillermo and his wife...
Dec 8, 2017 | Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family
Thank you, Lord, for my 100 years, says the sign above Alfredo. He sits in a yellow and green hammock strung across the open shelter made of rough boards and old tin. Behind him hangs a dark red embroidered blanket, partially hiding a lumpy mattress on cement blocks....