In a remote region of Liberia, Yemon spends her days on a bamboo bed inside a mud hut. Open sores ooze around her ankles and up into her swollen legs. Her son tells us she cries all night, because her legs burn and itch.

Yemon needs a hospital but has no money to pay for it or a way to get there. Even the nearest clinic is a day’s walk away, and Yemon would have to be carried there in a hammock.

A few months ago, Yemon’s name ended up on CAM’s Support-A-Widow list for the first time. Our staff arrived in the area and unloaded the parcels at a church house where widows came to collect their parcels and $10 cash. The recipients also listened to a sermon translated into Bassa, the region’s tribal language.

Yemon wanted to come hear the preaching but was unable to walk to the church, so our staff brought the parcel and cash to her house. As her son translated, the staff presented her with the gifts.

“You didn’t need an interpreter to understand the incredulous look on Yemon’s face,” our staff member said. “She made a noise of exclamation and then said, ‘You gave me all this money? Thank you, thank you! No one ever did this for me before.’ ”

Yemon turned to her son. “Where did these people come from?”

“They are God-people,” he told her.

“Only God-people would do this kind of thing!” Yemon said. “For me to be dying in my house and somebody to give me things like this? No one ever did this for me before.” She couldn’t get  done thanking us for the gifts.

In addition to the much-needed food, we hope Yemon was able to use her cash to get medical help. Although we haven’t been able to return to the area to visit her, we do know that because God’s people gave of their resources, Yemon witnessed the compassion of Jesus in her mud house that day.

Every month, nearly 1,700 needy widows in Liberia, Romania, Egypt, Nicaragua, Haiti, and other countries receive food parcels and cash through the love of sponsors.

To bless suffering widows and their families, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.

One-time Donation

Monthly Sponsorship

$65 provides a 35-pound or larger parcel of food and healthcare items and $10 cash or equivalent in food items where cash is inappropriate.