As a single mom, Yorlene makes a little income from washing clothes by hand. For every dozen pieces she washes, Yorlene gets paid a dollar, which is her average daily income. Sometimes people pay her with produce and other times they don’t pay at all.
A year ago, Yorlene and her children desperately needed a place to live. After she fasted extensively about their need, God answered Yorlene’s prayer through an aunt who donated a piece of land to Yorlene to build a little house.
Yorlene receives a monthly parcel of food through the Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family program. She says the food parcel lasts for about two weeks, and thankfully, she now doesn’t lack rice and beans. Yorlene says, “My life has been hard, but God has opened doors of blessing for me through this program, and now we have enough to eat.”
To help support the Nicaragua-Adopt-A-Family program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.