“Tonight, bread will be baked in many houses because of your help,” said a food recipient in a restricted country. “I am sure all of them will pray for you.” Like millions around the globe, this father struggles to find work to support his family. “We are in a lot of trouble,” he shared.
The alternative to the story above—going to bed hungry—is something most of us find difficult to relate to. But many parents cannot provide something as simple as bread for their hungry children. Thank you, supporters, for being the hands and feet of Jesus in answering the cries of the needy.
We continue to receive requests for help from countries suffering ongoing economic fallout of COVID-19. Your support enables us to continue with projects under way and respond to new requests.
Contacts in Nepal recently provided aid for oppressed Rohingya refugees. Some of these Rohingya people are construction workers and others beg on the streets of the city. “The pandemic has saddened and pushed us into starvation,” one refugee said.
“We have to face misery wherever we go,” another Rohingya refugee lamented. “While in Myanmar, the government caused us grief. Now, after coming to Nepal, we felt peace in our hearts, but again coronavirus has made our hearts in turmoil.”
In India, workers share the love of Jesus through large-scale aid distributions. Recipients, many of whom are unbelievers, are amazed at the Christians who freely share with them. “My neighbors do not talk to me,” said one lady who received food. “You are risking your lives and happily reaching out to people with help. I believe your God is protecting you and guiding you to show His love to poor people like us.”
Is the world economy on the mend?
Recent reports show that the overall U.S. economy has rebounded to pre-pandemic levels. In many of our communities, businesses are busy and flourishing. Owners display “Help Wanted” signs to keep up with demand. But life is far different in many parts of the world. Months of strict lockdowns have put businesses permanently under, leaving owners with no money to restart even if restrictions are lifted.
Following is a recent report from contacts in India: “While the USA is mostly opening, India is experiencing rolling lockdowns in localized areas. Many businesses have yet to open from the first wave and residents are afraid. Thousands in backstreets and slums are all but forgotten.”
The U.S. Department of Agriculture recently released their assessment of food needs in poverty-stricken countries. According to this report, global hunger levels are expected to surge by about a third this year. COVID-19 has grimly affected the world’s food security with lockdowns and supply chain obstructions.
An opportunity to shine the light
Coronavirus Crisis Care distributions provide a way for Christians to shine the light of Jesus. “By this project, we could not only tell people about God, but show them His love in action,” wrote workers in Kazakhstan. “We’ve helped people who are in a very difficult situation.”
An elderly woman in India said she had been praying to her gods for help, but didn’t get the aid she desperately needed. What a wonderful testimony when Christian workers showed up with much-needed food!
If you wish to help provide food and other aid for people affected by the ongoing fallout of COVID-19, your support will be a blessing to many. On behalf of recipients in India, Nepal, Tunisia, Kazakhstan, Uganda, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, and fifty-nine other countries, “Thank you and God bless you!”
Christian Aid Ministries | August 2021
To help support the Coronavirus Crisis Care program, please click below to give a one-time gift.