What was once a criminal offense in Romania is now a wide open door of opportunity—that of distributing Christian books in public schools.
“God has given a window of time when books can be freely distributed without fearing a prison sentence,” says Marvin Miller, Romania staff member.
During communism, Romania’s government placed rigid restrictions on printing and distributing religious materials. Today the only permission our staff needs to distribute books is from the schools themselves. In the last two years, they have given out nearly 5,000 books.
On a recent distribution trip, eight out of ten schools accepted our offer of free books. “It’s so fun to watch the children as they get their new books,” Marvin says. “There’s a lot of excitement.”
Receiving a new book was very special for the children of Mereni, a very poor town in southern Romania. “It was quite obvious the children considered their gift a rare treasure,” Marvin related. “There were many oohs and ahs as children paged through the book My Father’s World.”
My Father’s World, published by CAM, is a book about the marvels of God’s creation. “Studying creation is a stepping stone to learning to know God,” Marvin says. “All across Romania, children have the privilege and freedom to hold in their hands a book that teaches the existence of our great God!”
What a wonderful opportunity—unlike the communist days when some teachers denied the existence of God and mocked students who believed in Him. In one school in Siret, Romania, our staff was permitted to give out 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible in a religion class taught by an evangelical Christian. Marvin commented, “In most schools where there is a strong Orthodox Church orientation, the religion class is the last place one would be allowed to enter.”
Interesting note:
The work of Christian Aid Ministries started with distributing Christian literature to Romanian children in the early 1980s. Back then this had to be done secretly, but today the door is wide open for this important work.
To help provide literature in Romania, please click below to give a one-time gift.