Reading has the power to expose us to new ideas and change our perspectives. That is why the choice of reading material is important. But for many people around the world, sound Biblical reading material is hard to find or nonexistent.
The Christian Family Magazines program provides the Seed of Truth and Antorcha magazines for people in approximately 95 countries and territories. An estimated 3.7 million people read these publications each month. For the most part, these magazines contain articles written by conservative Anabaptist authors.
Translated into various languages, the magazines provide regular teaching for believers around the world. In Russia, a group of women get together to read articles from the Seed of Truth magazine and to encourage each other. Since there are no local church brothers to lead out in services, the teaching from the Seed of Truth is their source of spiritual encouragement.
Unbelievers also benefit from the magazine. “Every time after I read the magazine, I give it to unbelievers who don’t know the Lord,” one recipient said. “Many people who don’t know Jesus enjoy reading the Seed of Truth.”
In Nicaragua, our staff members have many opportunities to distribute the Antorcha magazine. One staff person said, “We give them to folks in our neighboring village, to vendors at the market, to street boys marketing wares on street corners, to people waiting in lines, and to armed guards who sit outside banks and businesses.”
The Antorcha magazine is largely distributed in Latin America, but is also translated from Spanish and sent to Africa. The Seed of Truth is published in a number of languages and is sent to countries all across the world. Large quantities of the Seed of Truth go to restricted countries that are closed to the Gospel.
Thank you, supporters, for giving millions of people the opportunity to receive edifying literature that points them to Jesus.
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