“This week I received the November and December “Seed of Truth” issues,” wrote a reader in Romania. “What joy at finding them! I thank you from my heart for a year of truth!” In Germany, another reader shared, “Thank you for sending the Seed of Truth to Germany.

I read it with love, and God often speaks to me through the articles.”

The Seed of Truth magazine is a lifeline of hope, encouragement, and sound Bible teaching for people around the world. These publications are in high demand in places where this kind of wholesome reading material is scarce or hard to access. Written by Anabaptist believers, the monthly Seed of Truth magazine includes teaching on Biblical principles, articles for parents and church leaders, youth and children’s sections, and more. Supporters enable these teachings to reach recipients in places like Romania, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and numerous restricted countries.

To help support the Christian Family Magazines program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.

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Monthly Sponsorship

Yes, I intend to help share Biblical principles in countries where sound teaching is scarce. I understand my monthly gifts will help print, ship, and distribute the Torch of Truth and Seed of Truth magazines.