Because of an unusual number offloods this spring, Rapid Response teams have been exceptionally busy assisting with cleanup in three provinces: Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia.
In Prince Edward County, Ontario, Rapid Response members reached out to homeowners by building sandbag berms to protect their houses from advancing floodwaters. They also worked alongside community members at the Municipal Buildings in Ameliasburgh, Ontario, filling thousands of sandbags for at-risk residents to pick up for use on their properties.

Gatineau, Quebec
Kelowna, British Columbia, evacuated 400 people as lakes to the north of town rose to dangerous levels. Many homes in town experienced flooding. Rapid Response Services Unit #3, based in Stirling, Alberta, responded to this urgent need and assisted with removing wet carpets, drywall, and more. They were also busy protecting homes with sandbag walls. Local residents were grateful for the prompt arrival of the team. “Here come the angels,” declared one happy woman.
Rapid Response Service opportunities expose our teams to many people. In one community, our volunteers worked alongside more than 100 people. As the rain stops and floodwaters recede, Rapid Response teams will continue to offer assistance and support to homeowners who have experienced damage to their houses.
Pray that distressed people will not only receive physical help after natural disaster, but more importantly, that they could experience the hope of the Gospel through the Christian witness of God’s people.
If you would like to provide financial assistance to the ongoing work of this ministry, your help would be greatly appreciated.