The heart of CAM’s mission is to get this eternal gift, God’s Word, into as many hands as possible. Your generosity helped provide more than 4 million Bibles and New Testaments in 2022. In 2023, we hope to again respond to some of the requests for large amounts of Bibles and New Testaments. We also supply inspirational books and Bible courses to provide Biblical teaching, and distribute Bible story books to bring an awareness of God to children and adults. The following quotes give a glimpse into the far-reaching effects of Bibles and Christian literature.

Restricted country: “Many years ago, I read one page of the New Testament that I found among some torn pages in a shop. I kept reading that page which really affected me . . . I tried many times to find a complete New Testament and asked many people, but no one knew where I could find one.”

Malawi: “I had around 25 children around me. . . . I was telling them . . . stories from the 101 Bible story book and they had huge eyes and listened for hours!”

To help support the Bibles-for-the-World program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.

Monthly Sponsorship

YES, I intend to give monthly donations to help provide Bibles, New Testaments, Bible storybooks, and Christian literature around the world.