Tourists passing by Srey La’s store often stop in to check out her fresh coconut drink or colorful dresses and scarves. Srey La has a way of drawing them in before they explore the temples in her Cambodian village. She enjoys selling her goods to help complement her husband’s meager income.

Srey La did the best she knew to keep her business going during the tourism slump from COVID-19. But navigating through the business struggle was a challenge. During this time, she started noticing the SALT facilitators who often ate at the restaurant beside her. Srey La began asking them questions. It didn’t take long for her to become interested in a SALT savings group and the teaching the facilitators offered.

A new savings group began meeting in Srey La’s shop after she asked if it would be possible to start a group. Many of the shop owners near her joined, along with the local temple guards.

difficult business, Christian Aid Ministries

Srey La and her fellow group members enjoy a time of learning together.

The teaching Srey La received at the meetings kept her business going through difficult times. Not only did she keep her business going, but she also saved enough money to increase her inventory.

Recently, Srey La was able to use a loan from the savings group to replace the roof of her shop. She has already paid back
the loan.

Srey La and other members in her group rely heavily on the advice of the SALT facilitators as financial needs arise. CAM’s desire through the SALT program is to point people to the Gospel as SALT staff members walk beside them in their financial struggles. With God’s help and your prayer and financial support, this is made possible.

To help support the Savings Groups program, please click below to give a one-time gift or start a monthly sponsorship.

Monthly Sponsorship

YES, I would like to give monthly gifts to help impoverished people learn to provide for themselves through SALT savings groups. I understand that $50 per month will pay the in-country costs for a group of 20-25 savings group members, the facilitator, travel expenses, manuals, and related expenses.